Helicopter Money: How, for What, to Whom and by Whom? Stimulus Packages in a Time of Crisis

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Helicopter Money: How, for What, to Whom and by Whom? Stimulus Packages in a Time of Crisis

24 Apr 2020
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AICB, together with the Asia School of Business, conducted a joint webinar, “Helicopter Money: How, for What, to Whom and by Whom? Stimulus Packages in a Time of Crisis”, on 24 April 2020 @ 10.00 am.

Moderated by AICB CEO Prasad Padmanaban, Prof. Hans Genberg, Professor of Finance and Associate Program Director, Central Banking, of the Asia School of Business shared insights on the short- and longer-term effects of monetary policies in normal times, and fielded pertinent questions by attendees on the intended purpose of such policies, the rightful recipients of these ‘helicopter drops’, and which official sector agency should be responsible for implementing these monetary policies. Prof. Genberg also gave his views on the current MCO policy implemented in Malaysia compared to that of countries such as Norway and Sweden, how each country is faring thus far, and when it should be lifted.

Over 200 individuals attended the webinar and participated in the poll that canvassed their views on GDP growth for 2020/2021. A survey was also circulated after the webinar to obtain feedback on the session and suggestions on topics of interest for future webinars by AICB.

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