1 | How does AICB define Compliance-related working experience? The Compliance-related working experience will be assessed based on the depth and breadth of the job role on a case-to-case basis according to the information provided in the CV (Curriculum Vitae). Candidates are advised to provide a complete and detailed CV for enrolment. |
2 | How do candidates register for the special sitting in March 2021? Candidates are required to fill in the manual form for registration. Please click here to download the form and send the completed form to aicb-assessment@aicb.org.my. |
FEES | |
1 | What is the fee structure for the revised CAMCO? There is no change in the fee structure. Please click here for the CAMCO fee structure. |
2 | Do the candidates of the current CAMCO pay additional fees if they transition into the revised CAMCO? Candidates of the current CAMCO who do not complete the qualification in the March 2021 special examination sitting are required to apply for the revised CAMCO and pay the full fees as a new candidate. |
1 | How different is the revised CAMCO from the current CAMCO? The revised syllabus has taken into account the latest practices on anti-money laundering, technology changes and e-banking. |
2 | What is the designation issued to candidates upon their completion of the revised CAMCO qualification? Candidates who complete the revised CAMCO qualification will be eligible to use the designation Certified Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism Compliance Officer (CAMCO) after his/her name. |
3 | Upon completion of the revised CAMCO qualification, can candidates progress to the Chartered Banker qualification? Candidates can apply to enrol directly in the Professional Banker (PB) and progress to Chartered Banker (CB). |
4 | What is the qualification time limit for the revised CAMCO? Candidates are required to complete the qualification within 36 months of enrolment. |
1 | What is the assessment method for the revised CAMCO? The assessment format for the revised CAMCO comprises 50% Assignment and 50% Examination (Section A – 60 independent MCQs and Section B – 20 case-based MCQs). |
2 | Does the condition of compulsory pass in the Assignment component still applyfor the revised CAMCO? Yes. |
3 | What does Section B of the Examination component comprise? Section B of the Examination component consists of 2 to 4 case studies with 20 corresponding MCQs tagged to the case studies. Each question under Section B carries 2 marks. |
4 | What will happen to the component passes gained in the current CAMCO if candidates do not complete CAMCO in the March 2021 special sitting? Passes gained will be nullified and candidates will need to register as a new candidate for the revised CAMCO. |
5 | What is the mode of examination for the revised CAMCO? The revised CAMCO examination will be conducted online. For further details on online examinations, please refer to the AICB website. |
6 | What is the difference in terms of the examination standards between the current and revised CAMCO? The revised CAMCO will carry more application and analysis-based questions in the assignment and examination components. The revised module is elevated to the advance level, with academic and practical context, to give more insight on AML/CFT scenarios for better understanding, analysis and learning. The revised syllabus takes into account the latest practices on anti-money laundering, technology changes and e-banking. |
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