Notice of Annual General Meeting

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Notice of Annual General Meeting

09 Jun 2020

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the 42nd Annual General Meeting of Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers[Registration No. 197701004872 (35880-P)] (“Institute”) will be held virtually and broadcasted from Conservatory, Level 3, EQ, Equatorial Plaza, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Wednesday, 8 July 2020, at 10.30 a.m. to transact the following businesses:

  1. To receive the Audited Financial Statements of the Institute for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 together with the Reports of the Council and auditors thereon.
  2. To receive the Audited Financial Statements of the Staff Training Fund for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 together with the Report of the auditors thereon.
  3. To note the appointment of the following nominees as members of the Council of the Institute (“Council”) for the 2020 / 2021 term of office pursuant to Articles 66(1)(a), 66(1)(b), 66(1)(c) and 66(1)(d) of the Institute’s Constitution:

    Article 66(1)(a):
    Mr Donald Joshua Jaganathan, FCB

    Article 66(1)(b):
    Datuk Abdul Farid Alias, FCB
    Dato’ Khairussaleh Ramli, FCB
    Mr Wong Kim Choong, FCB
    Dato’ Ong Eng Bin, FCB
    Mr Lee Lung Nien, FCB
    Mr Domenic Fuda, CB
    Mr Abrar Alam Anwar

    Article 66(1)(c):
    Ms Lee Jim Leng, CB
    Mr Fad’l Mohamed, CB

    Article 66(1)(d):
    Tan Sri Azman Hashim, FCB
    Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tay Ah Lek, FCB
    Datuk Mohamed Azmi Mahmood, FCB
    Datuk Yvonne Chia, FCB
    Dato’ Howard Choo Kah Hoe, FCB

  4. To re-appoint Messrs Ernst & Young PLT as Auditors of the Institute and authorise the Council to fix their remuneration.

  5. To transact any other business duly notified and such other business to be transacted shall be notified in writing to the Secretary, together with the names of the proposers and seconders, not later than five (5) weeks before the date fixed for the Meeting.

By Order of the Council,
Lum Soo Yan (MIA 24562)
Practicing Certificate No.: 201908000567
Kuala Lumpur
9 June 2020


  1. As part of the initiatives to curb the spread of COVID-19, the 42nd AGM of the Institute will be conducted entirely on a virtual basis through live streaming and remote online voting via Zoom Video Conferencing. Please follow the procedures provided in the Administrative Details for the 42nd AGM to register, participate and vote remotely.
  2. The broadcast venue of the 42nd AGM is strictly for the purpose of complying with Section 327(2) of the Companies Act 2016, which stipulates that the Chairman of the meeting shall be present at the main venue of the meeting. Member(s) / proxy(ies) from the public will not be allowed to be physically present at the broadcast venue on the day of the 42nd AGM.


  1. Every Member entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is also entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his / her stead at the Meeting.
  2. No Member shall be entitled to vote on any question either personally or by proxy or corporate representative at the Meeting of the Institute or a poll who does not carry voting rights and whose subscription is overdue for three months.
  3. Only Associates, Associate Fellows, Chartered Bankers, Fellows, Life and Corporate Members whose names appear in the Membership Register of the Institute as of 1 July 2020 shall be regarded as entitled to vote at the Meeting. The Membership Register of the Institute is available for inspection at the Institute’s registered address at Level 2, Bangunan AICB, 10 Jalan Dato’ Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  4. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointer. If the appointer is a Corporate Member, it must be either under seal or under the hand of the officer or attorney duly authorised.
  5. If a Member is not able to attend the 42nd AGM via Zoom Video Conferencing on 8 July 2020, he / she may appoint the Chairman of the meeting as his / her proxy and indicate the voting instructions in the instrument appointing the proxy. The Form of Proxy shall be submitted in accordance with paragraph 6 below.
  6. The instrument appointing the proxy (Form of Proxy printed on page 97 of the Annual Report 2019) and nominating one corporate representative (Form of Nominee printed on page 98 of the Annual Report 2019) together with the power of attorney (if any) under which it is signed or a certified copy thereof, shall be deposited at the Institute’s registered address at Level 2, Bangunan AICB, 10 Jalan Dato’ Onn, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the Meeting or adjourned Meeting at which the person named in such instrument proposes to vote, otherwise the person so named shall not be entitled to vote in respect thereof.
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